Additional Ahwahnee Photos & Errata

Ahwahnee cottage or bungalow

Above, one of the fabulous bungalows, or cottages, at The Ahwahnee. Below, the entry creates a gateway to separate the hotel from the rest of the valley hubbub. National Park Service photos.

entrance to the Ahwahnee

Other Images

vintage ahwahnee

Vintage image focusing on the solarium entry, with North Dome looming behind.

Above photo public domain. Photos below courtesy National Park Service.

bridge to the bungalows

Bridge to the Bungalows; with charming seat boxes.

walkway to the bungalows

Further along the walkway; they're officially called "cottages" at the hotel.

one of the multiplex cottages at the ahwahnee

One of the multi-plex cottages.

tennis courts

The tennis courts; hallmark of a 1920s resort hotel.

ahwahnee bridge

Road bridge near the Ahwahnee; part of the Olmstead Brothers landscaping design. It's now part of the National Register of Historic Landmarks.

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The Ahwahnee is usually booked months in advance. Summer stays, as you might expect, are difficult to arrange without gearing up well in advance. If you're completely shut out, keep in mind that the great lounge, dining room, and other public areas are open to all. Dinner in the dining room -- if your budget permits -- and an hour relaxing in the lounge are a terrific way to experience the Ahwahnee, even if you're bunking in Camp Curry's most humble tent cabin. Remember that the Ahwahnee is a regular stop on the free valley bus system.

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